Congratulations to the Australians successful in the 2023 IFLA elections

Canberra, 2 May 2023: Last night the International Federation of Library Association (IFLA) published the results of the elections for positions on their Governing Board and on over 80 different committees. Those elected will take up their terms of office in August 2023. 

We wish to congratulate the Australian from our sector who have been elected to positions on the Asia-Oceania Regional Division Committee, as Professional Division Committee Chairs, and in the Professional Unit Sections and Special Interest Groups. These experienced sector leaders will be volunteering their time and significant expertise to help power the work of IFLA and represent Australia in the global library field. 


Regional Council Chair & Regional Division Committees 2023-25

Asia-Oceania Regional Division Committee
Jayshree Mamtora  AFALIA (DCP)
Gulcin Cribb AALIA

Professional Division Committee Chairs
Marian Morgan-Bindon AALIA (CP)
Edmund Balnaves AALIA

Professional Units: Sections 

Academic and Research Libraries 
Joanna Hare AALIA

Art Libraries 
Claire Eggleston 

Continuing Professional Development and Workplace Learning 
Anne Reddacliff AALIA (CP) Health 

Law Libraries 
Vanessa Blackmore 
David Bratchford AALIA

Libraries for Children and Young Adults 
Nicola McGeown ALIATec (CP)

Library Buildings and Equipment 
Philip Kent AALIA
Janet Fletcher 

Library Services to Multicultural Populations 
Clara Lukin

Library Theory and Research 
Suzana Sukovic AALIA

Management and Marketing 
Carmen Eastman AALIA

School Libraries 
Catherine Barnes AALIA (DCP) 
Jacqueline Lucas AALIA (CP)

Professional Units: Special Interest Groups

Artificial Intelligence
Fiona Bradley